Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

I'm enjoying my new sense of freedom.

Having said that, I'm also still being plagued with feelings of guilt. Not attending church or wearing garments, watching rated R movies, and occasionally saying a swear word or two seemed like things that would bring instant satisfaction, yet I am still worrying about going to hell or what others might say or think. I don't think these are things that non-mormons would think twice about. I must admit though, love the new undies!

Today the fam and I went tubing in Des Moines. It was a blast. On the way there my sister, Shawna, called me. She wanted to know if we were driving and so I told her we were headed to DesMoines for some tubing. She gave the, "Oh, really" judgmental mom voice. I told her Haldan was on an 8 off and the park was only open on the weekend and we finally caught a break from the rains. I said, "You only live once." She replied, "I hope you don't break your neck and end up paralyzed in a wheelchair. Then you wouldn't be able to live." I think I said something like, "so be it." I wasn't quite sure if the comment was intended to be a slam about breaking the sabbath day or if she was just being a brat. Maybe both.

As much as I'd love to say that I don't care what people think, the comments by my sister today really got to me. (Maybe family comments are worse?) Why can't people just accept others as they are. Why do mormons think that everyone has to be just like them? They have got to be some of the most judgmental people I know. They are constantly trying to convert the world because it is the "one and only true church on the face of the earth." If others don't practice mormonism they won't make it to the "celestial kingdom". They must be converted. Every single time we have missionaries for dinner they want us to give them names of friends and neighbors that they can teach the discussions and convert. I've lived in the mission field (midwest) the better part of my life and after years of the same thing it gets super old. I finally had to start telling them that I would only feed them if they didn't ask for names at our house. We had them over for Easter and they arrived early. I went to let them in, but they were nowhere to be found. Turns out they were tracting our neighborhood in an attempt to share a mormon Easter message. I was super annoyed, but said nothing. These are people who are already committed in their faiths, celebrating the holiday with friends and family, and do they really want mormon missionaries stopping by and bugging them? My guess would be not. They get to go home, but I live by these people.

I actually believe that there are really good people out there that do not attend church. I also believe that there are many churches that are good and God would never deny good christian people from heaven because they are not mormon. Unfortunately it seems to be the general consensus from mormons alike; a very unchristian-like mentality.

My husband has been really great this past week. He has certainly been trying to be understanding and told me that I didn't have to go to church unless I wanted to. The strange thing is that since I stopped going there have been several weeks that he hasn't gone either. In the beginning he made it quite clear that he would take the children and what I did was up to me. Now it seems more and more like he is also looking for excuses to not go. I could be reading it all wrong, but the tubing today was totally his idea. He has said that he does not believe the same way that I do and that he has a strong testimony in the mormon faith, but his actions don't always seem to reflect that.

I have tried to not discuss anything "religion" with him and have been available to be with him when he wants. I've also done my reading and soul searching when he is not around. It seems to be keeping the peace better at home and has made a huge difference in our relationship.


  1. ya know, i agree that mormons want to change all others to mormonism....but when you think about it, so do a couple other faiths (baptists, jev. witnesses, some STRONG christian churches)....never the catholics! haha. everyone wants others to believe their faith is correct, but i know mormons are a little more "pushy" because many of them do believe it is the true church, and if you truly believe that, of course you would want to share that with others.

    don't feel guilty about all that other stuff either. as long as you are searching for the truth, and your heart is in it (which i know it is)....and you ARE a good person...well, sometimes a bitch, but overall OK, i think GOD allows us all time to search and ponder and question, that's what we are actually commanded to do in scriptures.

    i am glad your "hubby" has been being supportive, but i wouldn't mistake that for his "actions not reflecting his faith"....i'm sure his beliefs are a strong as before, but he is NOT being judgemental, and supporting you...this = GOOD HUSBAND!!

    good for you for not discussing it with him anymore either, just means with this particular issue, you need to rely on others....he's there for you with everything else, so let him have this 1 thing.

    don't forget...if you ever want to talk with my "hubby" about things, you need to let us know!, he's more than willing, we have been through MANY of the same things/questions, and more. sometimes he's afraid it might hurt your faith more, cause there is soooo much more out there. but on the other hand, you need to know certain things, and figure out for yourself what you are going to do with it.

  2. Dear Misplaced,
    Having read your post on, I came here to read your blog. I can see that you're beginning to feel the exhilaration of thinking outside the Mormon box and using your own brain and heart to make decisions that work for you. Congratulations!

    Your husband, whether or not he sees the truth about the church, needs to know that you love and him and are there for him. You married HIM, not the church, and you can grow old and happy together, even if you end up with a differing set of beliefs. Be sure to show him that you need not be a Mormon, or for that matter, even a believer in god, to be faithful, honest, caring, and compassionate. I bear my testimony that you can be a good wife and a good mom, a caring friend and upstanding citizen, without ever again stepping foot inside a Mormon chapel. You sound like you are all of those things already!

    Please visit the exmormon site often. The people there are (mostly) kind and caring and will support you and value your thoughts. And keep posting here, too. Your life and your outlook will improve day by day as you shed the shackles that have pulled you down for so long.

    Best always,
    Debbie in Pennsylvania
    Exmo since 2000
