Friday, January 15, 2010

Less Anger = Good

I’m realizing as the anger lessens that there are many good things that actually came out of being LDS.

They teach and instill good values in kids. Honesty, chastity, responsibility, and the word of wisdom are a few things that come to mind.

I also learned how to research, prepare for talks, and speak in public.

I have a body free of drugs and disease.

They teach you how to be a better homemaker, wife, and mother- ranging from home decorating tips to baking to blogging.

Good music is encouraged and enjoyed as well.

They also place much emphasis on preparedness, not just spiritually, but temporally. The 72 hour kits are now being recommended by Red Cross.

They encourage you to develop and share your talents.

I have the church to thank for all of these wonderful lessons. They have helped shape me into the decent, upstanding citizen I am today.

1 comment:

  1. Because of these good things, I wonder if I should not fight my husband on whether my daughter goes to church or not. He's a TBM, so of course he wants her to go. I would hope that I can teach her these things myself though.
