Monday, September 20, 2010


Turns out my blog name is quite fitting after all.

I couldn't be more lost or feel more alone than I do at this very moment.

Everything I've thought to be true my entire life is crumbling around me and I have nothing to grab to catch my fall.

What is right and wrong? Which direction should I go? Is there such a thing as a wrong path?

So many questions and so few answers.

I fear I'm back to where I started 10 months ago on this journey, like I've done a complete 360 with nothing to show for it.

Who am I? What do I want from this life? What do I want to accomplish? Why do I care so much what others think?

It seems that inner voice is being drowned out by the noise around me.

It's all I can do to keep on. But I'm trying. Cause that's all I've got right now.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog spot and even though it's an old post, thought I would stop by anyway. I hope that you are doing better now. I too suffered from depression and confusion when I first discovered the lies and coverups that led to my leaving the church. I'm still going through it, but it's much better now that some time has passed and I've been able to process some of the anger and feelings of betrayal. Anyway, don't know if you will ever read this but please accept these few words of encouragement if you do. Peace be unto you.
